As you are learning this Module: Week, proper exception handling is an essential part of writing robust and fault-tolerant code.

As you are learning this Module: Week, proper exception handling is an essential part of writing robust and fault-tolerant code. A Christian programmer has a biblical mandate to do everything, including programming, to bring glory to God. In this discussion, you will examine why exception handling is important and identify the motivation that should drive a Christian programmer to use it wisely.

  • Briefly explain what exception handling is and how it can lead to robust and fault-tolerant code.
  • There are plenty of reasons that might motivate you to write robust code (e.g., people will pay more for code that does not crash; you will receive fewer complaints from customers, etc.). However, a Christian programmer should be motivated by a deeper purpose that is found in God’s word. Identify at least one biblical principle that should motivate a Christian programmer to develop robust and fault-tolerant code.
  • Reflect for a moment on your answer to the previous steps, then briefly discuss how your research for this discussion board has expanded your perspective of God.

Question 2:

Discussion Thread: Graphical User Interface Instruction

Sometimes, using a graphical user interface can be daunting. For example, look at the UI design in Figure 1 below.

Hopefully you will notice something wrong with the design of this interface, but how do you know what is right and what is wrong when it comes to design? Is interface design a purely subjective issue? Over two decades ago, Jakob Nielsen conducted extensive research on user interface design and identified 10 heuristics, or design principles, that should guide effective interface design. You can find these 10 principles along with a description of each one.

As a Christian programmer, you not only have an obligation to develop visually appealing and functional designs, but you also have a biblical mandate to present user information in a way that does not distort the truth. In this discussion board, you will be considering 1 of Nielsen’s design guidelines and how well it aligns with this biblical mandate.

  • Read Nielsen’s 10 principles for interface design and the examples of how they have been successfully applied.
  • Select 1 of the 10 principles and discuss how the interface shown in Figure 1 either follows or violates that principle. Locate at least 1 scholarly source (other than the links provided) and cite it to support your discussion.
  • Discuss how well your selected principle aligns with the biblical mandate of not distorting truth. Use at least one Bible reference to support your point, but be careful to cite verses in context (i.e., do not distort the truth to make your claim).
  • Reflect for a moment on your answer to the previous steps, then briefly discuss how your research for this discussion board has expanded your perspective of God and how His truth is revealed in creation.

Discussion Resources

10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design Link:

6 Tips for a Great Flex UX: Part 5 Link:

Question 3:

Discussion Thread: Logic and Reason Instruction

As you have discovered, logic and reason play vital roles in the work of a programmer. In this discussion, you will examine those roles in more detail, as well as the implications they have for the Christian programmer.

  • Briefly discuss how logic and reason play vital roles in the development of algorithms such as those used for searching and sorting data.
  • Briefly discuss what roles logic and reason play for a Christian programmer. Is the use of logic and reason compatible with Christian beliefs? Identify at least one biblical principle to support your conclusions.
  • Reflect for a moment on your answer to the previous steps, then briefly discuss how your research for this discussion has expanded your perspective of God.

Question 4:

Discussion Thread: Generic Data Structures Instruction

Generic data structures enable programmers to reuse code by creating a generalized version of a class that can work with many different types. In this discussion, you will explore the importance of code reuse as well as the implications it has for a Christian programmer.

  • Briefly define a generic data structure and explain how generic data structures can enable reusability of code. Provide a specific example from the assigned reading showing how generic data structures enable reusability.
  • Should a Christian programmer strive to reuse code? Identify at least one biblical principle that should motivate a Christian programmer to either reuse code or to avoid reusing code.
  • Reflect on your answer to the previous steps, then briefly discuss how your research for this discussion has expanded your perspective of God.

The student will post one thread of at least 550 words.

For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least two scholarly citation in APA format and identify at least one biblical principle.

Requirements: Each discussion at least 550 words that are of original student authorship, precisely relevant to the

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